AIE Activities

AIE Activities


Collecting and distributing, in a fair and equitable manner, the intellectual property rights of music performers and executants through collective management.

Monitoring the compliance, implementation and development of these rights in accordance with the laws covering collective management.

Defending and improving the rights, treaties and laws which set up the rules in order to carry out the collective management effectively, with transparency and honesty, both in the analogue and digital domains, and in all territories where performers rights are respected and applied.


AIE provides its members with insurances, financial aid and other benefits for the assistance of their immediate and sensitive needs.


BECASAIE Grants, AIE Masterclasses, courses, workshops, seminars and partnerships with foreign music training projects.


Aid and financial support for concerts, festivals, contests, travels, symposiums, meetings…

Live music circuits organized and sponsored by AIE, such as:

AIEnRUTa, Artists, Jazz, Flamenco, Classics, Latin, AIEDeNUEVO, AIE-LIPA, AIE-Cervantes Institute and more.

Awards and prizes for experts and professionals from the music sector, etc.

Our manifest

  1. Intellectual property is a right, not a duty.
  2. Intellectual property rights are inherent to the human being, as is the right to freedom.
  3. Books are culture, records are culture, films are culture, theatres are culture. They all must receive a fair and equitable, nonarbitrary fiscal treatment.
  4. Fair competition in the free market is only possible when the right to free expression and free choice is ensured.
  5. Freedom of speech and expression cannot subsist without the right to free broadcasting, exposition and exhibition.
  6. We are willing to change our customs, but we do not accept external actors modifying them.
  7. Transculturation is acceptable when it is a round trip in every sense.
  8. Culture, peculiar and diverse, differentiates human beings and brings them together.
  9. We performers are not demanding State protection. We are asking for a decent care and social treatment, as we likewise request for all individuals.
  10. A society that protects and preserves objects rather than ideas is ill.


AIE Society of Artists, in the performance of its activity as an entity providing its members with particular member services, such as legal consulting, management of welfare and assistance funds as well as training and promotion funds, management and distribution of rights, and based in Madrid, Barcelona and Seville for all applicable activities, works daily on the continuous improvement of quality management.

In order to meet this commitment, the Board of the entity implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with UNE-EN ISO 9001 as a means to achieving the following objectives, among others:

  • Working in a respectful manner, always complying with the application of legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Achieving the full satisfaction of our members.
  • Seeking a continuous improvement.
  • Providing a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives.

AIE has been certified by AENOR since 2000, and AENOR Quality Certification has been renewed periodically since then.

Results of the last AENOR Audit

As every year, the certifying entity AENOR has carried out the External Audit of the Quality Management System implemented in the organisation. This year, the follow-up audit was carried out in a mixed manner (on-site in Madrid and telematically for Barcelona and Seville), on 10 and 11 July 2023, where the compliance of the System with the requirements specified in the international reference standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and with the rest of the audit criteria (legal and regulatory requirements, customer requirements, requirements of the internal management system) was verified.

During the course of the audit, the Entity’s day-to-day activities were reviewed, such as, among others, the services provided in terms of member services, administration of rights and their distribution, measurement of member satisfaction, etc.

As a result, as indicated in the audit report, the Management System is adequately implemented and responds effectively to the requirements of the standard and other audit criteria, with no deviations having been detected that could be considered as “non-conformities”, with the following strong points being highlighted:

  • Progress in the implementation of Agile methodology for project management; among other aspects, a working group (FARO) was created with people from various departments to manage agility.
  • Once again highlight the results obtained in the various satisfaction surveys (see detailed data in the satisfaction section of this report).
  • Response given to member complaints, as well as analysis of the causes of these complaints, enabling global corrective action to be taken in order to minimise their recurrence.
  • Planning, deployment and communication of targets for 2023 through the YUNBIT tool.
  • Improvements incorporated in terms of the commitments included in the service charter.
  • Deadlines for responding to the different requests from affiliates.
  • Follow-up of approved technological transformation projects.

Monitoring member satisfaction. Year 2022 summary

AIE systematically measures the levels of quality perceived by members. With the data obtained, quarterly and annual satisfaction reports are drawn up, which provide information on the degree to which members’ needs and expectations are met in the various services provided. This analysis of results enables the identification and continuous implementation of improvements in the quality of the services offered.

In 2022, a total of 2,469 automated surveys were carried out among members who have used the services offered by the AIE, obtaining an average score of 9.2 out of 10. In addition, satisfaction with the assistance, promotional and training programmes carried out through the AIE’s Assistance and Cultural Fund was also evaluated, achieving an average score of 9.06 out of 10.

The Board of Directors, which subsequently analyses the results of these annual surveys in depth, would like to thank the members for their collaboration in improving the services offered by the AIE.

Service Charter

Since 2015, AIE has had a Charter of Services with which it pursues continuous improvement in management efficiency, in order to achieve optimal economic, welfare and promotional results for artists, and in which it reflects a series of commitments to good economic, legal and social management, setting deadlines, dates and details based on the rights that members have with respect to the entity.

In 2022, AIE provided 13,563 services to members, with a compliance rate of 99.89% and a non-compliance rate of 0.11% (15 cases), mostly due to random failures of the email notification software provider within the Virtual Office. All of them were analysed in detail and the necessary corrective actions were implemented.

This Charter is a clear example of the importance AIE places on quality and the services it offers to its members. For 2023, it has been revised again, updating the services offered and adding new commitments to the existing ones, and will be published after this closing of results.

AIE Quality Policy

Find our Quality Policy here. Last update: 14 April 2023 in the Business Management Review.

Information regarding suppliers

AIE is bound to perform a periodic evaluation of all suppliers. This assessment is made annually and the criteria applied by AIE for the re-evaluation of suppliers are the following:

During the Business Management Review, the Quality Control Committee will analyze all detected incidents from each supplier. Those suppliers presenting more than 3 deviations in one year will be discontinued and will lose their status as Valid suppliers to enter the category of Not Valid suppliers.

Download AENOR Certification.

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Faithful to its commitment to management rigour and transparency, AIE complies year after year with the Code of Conduct approved by the Spanish National Stock Market Commission (CNMV) for financial investments performed by non-profit entities.

This Code, approved on 20 November 2003 and published in the Official State Gazette of 8 January 2004, includes several recommendations regarding risk diversification and the selection, safety and liquidity of financial investments.