

Letter from the President

Dear all,

On my behalf and representing the new Board of Directors, elected in the AIE Elections of December 2023, I would like to thank the members for honoring us with their trust and choosing us to lead this important Society of Performing and Executants Artists, AIE, for the next four years. We are entering a period of change and transformation in our systems, administration, and rights protection. This period should be one of consolidation of artists’ values, ensuring the remuneration we deserve for the commercial use of our work, and reinforcing collective management as the best system for representing and managing intellectual property rights.


With illusion, enthusiasm and desire to work, we will defend the rights and try to improve the remunerations that correspond, by justice and merit, to musical artists, and to continue developing and improving the collection, distribution and systems and circuits of aid, support and maintenance of education, assistance, culture and the work of the women and men who dedicate themselves to the noble profession of artists, whether they are performers or executants.

AIE, the Society of Performing and Executant Artists, was founded in 1989 by a core group of artists—bold and generous individuals—whose aim was to represent, defend, and advance the moral and economic rights of musical artists.

AIE’s key objectives include efficiency, transparency, honesty, and commitment. From the outset of this journey, we have been dedicated to help emerging artists and groups while also promoting the recognition of established talents, creating the necessary conditions and networks to showcase the vibrant and diverse artistic talent we enjoy in Spain.

Art is a reflection of the society in which it develops. Spain, with its rich history and cultural diversity, is a melting pot for artistic expression in all its forms. After three decades of activity and commitment, AIE plays a fundamental role in protecting artists’ rights and in the promotion and development of musical art.



Culture is a fundamental good for human development. It fosters equality among individuals, guarantees our freedom, and is vital for the cohesion and peaceful coexistence of a society based on respect, tolerance, and freedom. Music is an essential element of culture. The artistic activity of performers and executants brings musical works to life, transforming them into sounds that reach listeners. Ensuring, promoting, and developing culture, and particularly music, is an essential duty of every state and nation, of governments, and of all of us.

Those of us who have taken on the responsibility of representing artists in terms of their moral and intellectual rights are here to raise awareness among public authorities and remind them that culture, creation, and performance must not be treated as secondary or occasional goods but as essential ones. We have been advocating for this for a long time, and it is time for it to be officially recognized and reflected in public declarations.

Music is an essential good. We have proposed this concept as an “axiom” to encourage its consideration by governments and international organizations responsible for defining and classifying concepts in international treaties and agreements that bind countries.

Market rules must help gauge the importance of music as an essential good within culture, as well as an economic asset that integrates communities. The social value of culture is undeniable, and cultural diversity is a key element in defining our identity. These fundamental reasons are the basis of AIE’s commitment.



The extension of the protection term for artists’ rights in the EU is a matter of fairness for the many talented artists who contribute to Europe’s vibrant and diverse musical culture. Every year, more and more performers and executants lose their rights when their performances or recorded works fall into the public domain. This happens later in life, at a time when those revenues are most needed.

The Directive approved by the European Parliament in 2019 provides support measures to ensure that performers benefit from income from their recordings for 70 years from their release, without placing any burden on consumers. However, by 2024, we are nearing the point where we risk losing the rights to iconic recordings from the 1970s—a remarkable decade during which many of the great songs that mark the history of pop and rock, among other musical styles, were recorded.



These recordings, which contain songs performed by artists, will endure indefinitely, as the digital system allows them to be transferred from one format to another without loss of quality or relevance. These songs continue to be broadcast and generate profits for those who use them as part of their business: radio stations, platforms, media outlets, and local venues, among others.

Warm regards,

Luis Cobos

Director and Composer

President of AIE

Biography of the President

Orchestra conductor and composer. He has composed orchestral music, film soundtracks, music for theater, television, and more.

Luis Cobos has earned over 100 Gold, Platinum, and Diamond records. His sales exceed 15 MILLION COPIES.

Luis Cobos has conducted: The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Moscow Symphony, Los Angeles Symphony (U.S.A.), Beijing Symphony (China), European Symphony, London Symphony, Kansai Philharmonic (Japan)…

Luis Cobos ha dirigido en España, Inglaterra, Francia, Estados Unidos (EEUU), China, Japón, Alemania, Italia, Holanda, Austria, México, Argentina, Colombia…

Luis Cobos has worked with: Plácido Domingo, Julio Iglesias, Pedro Vargas, José Carreras, Mecano, Antonio Banderas, Isabel Pantoja, Paco de Lucía, Ana Belén, Nino Bravo, Joaquín Sabina, Antonio Flores…


President of the Spanish Society of Artists AIE, president of the Iberoamerican Federation of Artists, FILAIE, former president of the European Group of Artists GIART, director of the “Tierra de Gigantes” International Music Festival, honorary director of the Primitiva Band of Llíria, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the “Latin GRAMMY® Cultural Foundation”, former president of the Latin Recording Academy’s Board of Trustees, vice president of the Spanish Academy of Arts and Sciences of Music, founding president of the University of the Arts Council, and founding president of the Ibero-American Forum of the Arts.

Governing Bodies

AIE is managed by the following Governing Bodies:

Executive Committee

It is the governing body in charge of the management and administration carried out by AIE. The Board of Directors consists of 30 members (President, three Vice Presidents, Secretary and 25 Board Members), all of them performers or executants and active members of the Entity. The President of the Board of Directors is Luis Cobos.

Luis Cobos
Luis Cobos

Vice Presidents

Luz Casal

Nacho García Vega

Montserrat Pratdesaba


Pepe Sánchez

Board Members

Anni B Sweet

María Toledo

Gerardo Núñez

Pasión Vega

Juan Luis Calceteiro

Alba Carmona

Javier Campillo

Laura Simó

Antoni Mas

Mónica Moss

José Luis Nieto

Montserrat Teruel

Salvador Barberá

Xacobe Martínez

David Morales

Enrique Perdomo

Claudio Ianni

Ximo Tebar

EduardocFigueroa 24 2
Eduardo Figueroa

Gaspar Montesinos

Permanent Committee

Comisión permanente

Presidente Luis Cobos

  • Luz Casal
  • Juan Luis Calceteiro
  • Javier Campillo
  • Nacho García Vega
  • Pepe Sánchez
  • Director general José Luis Sevillano
  • Laura Simó
  • Luis Mendo
  • Montserrat Pratdesaba

Its main task is to ensure the continued good administration and management of the Entity. This governing body, which has executive power, consists of the President of the Entity and six other Board Members of the Board of Directors.

General Secretariat

Its core activity is the preservation and safeguard of corporate documents. The General Secretariat has the faculty to certify all kinds of corporate acts and agreements.

Working Committees

Comisión de reparto

  • Montserrat Pratdesaba
  • Salvador Barberá
  • Juan Luis Calceteiro
  • Claudio Ianni
  • David Morales
  • José Luis Nieto
  • Gerardo Núñez
  • Laura Simó

Comisión de fondo asistencial y cultural

Responsable Luis Mendo

  • Javier Campillo
  • Alba Carmona
  • Nacho Gª Vega
  • Antoni Mas
  • Anni B Sweet
  • Xacobe Martínez
  • Mónica Moss
  • Montserrat Teruel
  • Pasión Vega

Comisión de admisión y calificación de socios

Responsable Pepe Sánchez

  • Eduardo Figueroa
  • Gaspar Montesinos
  • José Luis Nieto
  • Enrique Perdomo
  • Ximo Tébar
  • María Toledo



José Luis Sevillano Romero

Business Development

Pedro Gómez Guirao


Aida Álvarez Aramendi



Rocío Navarro del Águila


  • Finance

Ana Mª Campillo López


Raquel Arenas Ruz
Esther Mínguez Tejeiro
Javier Rodríguez Rascón
Ana Díaz Escribano
Mª Ángeles Jemes del Saz
Rocío Portela Carballeira

  • General Services

Sebastián Íñigo Fernández


David Berrocal García
Verónica García García
Alfredo Pérez Sánchez-Mayoral
Pedro Tera Martínez


Carlos Pastor Pastor


Lourdes Estrada Muñoz
Beatriz González Román
Lorena Quereda Ruiz
Desireé Rodríguez Medina (Sevilla)
Tatiana Romero García
Laura Sagaz Morcillo
Gema Sánchez Torres

Digital Transformation and Innovation

Sergio Ramos


  • Desarrollo

Enrique Godino Esquivias


  • Systems

Iván Prados Velasco


Raúl Muñoz Ruiz
Yunier Valdés Pérez

  • Data Management

Cristina Armuña González


Corporate Social Responsibility / ESG

Carmen Roque Páez


  • General Secretariat

Patricia Pérez Ayuso

  • Quality and People

Irene Alonso Espinosa
Cecilia Cantero Ruiz
Idoia García Fernández



Diego Castaño Moreira


Silvia Pérez Pérez

Presidency Secretariat Manager

Álvaro Alonso Mendoza
Daniela González Clavijo
Irene Majadas Carmona
Sumika MatsumotoMiho
Ignacio Olalla Jaime

Global Business Management

Álvaro Hernández-Pinzón García


  • Revenue collection

Pedro Gómez Guirao



Paloma López Peláez

Head of International Area

Pedro Rivas Prieto

Legal Manager – Litigation

Greta Seitl Bengoa

Regulatory Compliance

Elena Barroso Martín
Verónica Pérez Aganz
Fernando Viñuales Carrera


Olga Madera Lastra


Óscar Cortés Medina

Project Implementation

Miguel Cubedo Vicén
Beatriz Díez Sánchez
Rosa González Arroyo
Mila Lasa García
Susana López Cervilla
Esperanza Martín Escudero
Purificación Molinero Solas
Julia Moya Fuentes
Irene Novillo Fernández
Aleida Núñez López
Pilar Rodríguez Lama
Susana Román Sánchez
Asunción Tamayo Gallego
Ana Vázquez Romero

  • Partners

Fernando Prados Velasco


Nuria Rojas Cuenca

Branch Coordinator

Aída Capell Amado


Bienvenida García Coronel
Brezo González García


Paloma Hormigos Mera
María Muñoz Madroñal


Mario Pato Esteban
Eva Rubalcaba Blanco
Noelia Salas Muñiz
Marta Villarrubia Díaz
Diego Zavala Boogen

  • Service Innovation

Alberto Arenal Cabello
