Welfare Assistance, Insurances and AID


Dedicamos un porcentaje de nuestros recursos a ayudas para los socios, proporcionando una gama de prestaciones que facilitan la vida de nuestros artistas y el desempeño seguro de su actividad profesional.

Prestaciones gratuitas. Sin más, por ser socio.

Como socio de AIE tienes derecho a un seguro de accidentes y a un servicio de asistencia en viajes para ofrecerte un apoyo en los posibles problemas que te puedan surgir durante tus desplazamientos. Si atraviesas una situación económica delicada, puedes solicitar nuestras ayudas asistenciales.

Prestaciones en condiciones favorables. Precios especiales para socios.

AIE ofrece a sus socios un servicio de asesoramiento para la contratación de diversos seguros médicos: recibe información personalizada sobre las mejores ofertas disponibles, coberturas y condiciones de contratación de importantes compañías como ADESLAS, ASISA y SANITAS, entre otras.

Actividades de carácter social

Además, AIE ofrece un extenso programa de ayudas dirigido a los artistas más desfavorecidos.

Accident insurance

Si eres socio de AIE, con domicilio en territorio nacional, cuentas con un seguro de accidentes que responde a las condiciones y exigencias del colectivo, al ser beneficiario de forma gratuita de una Póliza de Seguro Colectivo de Accidentes suscrita con Zúrich. Puedes consultar las coberturas entrando en tu área privada de la Oficina Virtual o contactando con AIE.

Si necesitas dar parte de algún siniestro o tienes cualquier consulta sobre el funcionamiento de esta póliza, contacta con AIE en el 917819850 o areasocial@aie.es

Los socios que lo deseen podrán contratar un complemento de capitales y garantías de la póliza colectiva de accidentes a partir de 10 euros al mes incluyendo fallecimiento e invalidez por cualquier causa. Para más información haz click aquí.


AIE, en colaboración con DUSKLIFE INVESTMENT pone a disposición de los socios y sus familias nuevas pólizas de contratación individual para cubrir necesidades profesionales de nuestro colectivo:

Consulta las condiciones de cada oferta contactando con David González en el teléfono 638036017 o a través del correo davidgsantamaria@dusklife.es

AIE Travel Assistance

El seguro de Asistencia en Viaje AIE ofrece a todos los socios menores de 84 años con domicilio en territorio nacional, una prestación cuya finalidad es asistir al socio en los problemas que le puedan surgir durante sus viajes de duración inferior a 90 días.

Las coberturas que esta prestación (contratada con Mapfre) ofrece están a tu disposición entrando en tu área privada de la Oficina Virtual de AIE o contactando con nosotros en el 917819850.

Desde que comenzó este servicio, AIE ha conseguido mejorar las coberturas de esta  póliza para responder a las necesidades del colectivo.

Para solicitar asistencia con Mapfre: + 34 91 581 18 23

Para solicitar un certificado nominal de su póliza de asistencia en viajes contacte con areasocial@aie.es

Health insurance


ADESLAS: AIE members individually can take out a private health insurance coverage with ADESLAS under very favourable conditions, both in financial and performance terms, depending on market conditions and rates.

More information: 91 576 96 04 / ssimon@crgs.es

ASISA: Since December 2012, AIE holds an agreement with ASISA as a means to provide several healthcare alternatives. AIE members can take out a private health insurance coverage under very favourable financial conditions. You can download all offer details here.

More information: 91 576 96 04 / ssimon@crgs.es

ABANZIS: AIE members and their relatives can have a discount for eye surgery, cosmetic surgery and dentistry. Find all relevant information such as a list of clinical centres, availability or further funding options depending on the clinical centres on Abanzis’ website (in the section Benefits for AIE Members).

For more information:

www.abanzis.com, in the section Special Offers for Groups,

or contact ABANZIS on: 965 77 11 56  // 699 05 45 25 // info@abanzis.com

Musical instrument insurance

The Board of Directors of AIE has worked hard to provide a new service for AIE members which enables them to take out a multi-insurance for musical instruments with Zurich under very favourable conditions with respect to market prices. This insurance, exclusive for AIE members, provides coverage for musical instruments and electronic and sound equipment.

Musical instruments are insured during the stay and/or transport anywhere and in any situation within the national territory, and not necessarily in the event of rehearsals, tours or concerts. After timely notification prior to the journey, the insurance coverage can be extended to other countries through the corresponding additional payment.

Insured objects may be transported by any of the following means: motor vehicles, railway, aircraft and ship.

You can find all information in this link or by clicking here.

Los socios de AIE también se podrán beneficiar de Clave de Sol, un Seguro de Instrumentos Musicales que ofrece Mercaseguros.com. Se trata del único seguro de instrumentos musicales en España que asegura a valor concertado (el valor del instrumento lo fijas tú) sin depreciaciones por antigüedad o franquicias, que cubre el hurto y que te compensa en caso de pérdida de valor de tu instrumento después de un siniestro. Un seguro a todo riesgo que, además, permite incluir en la misma póliza todos los instrumentos y los complementos como: boquillas, fundas, etc. Si durante un viaje se produce pérdida o daños, envían a cualquier punto del país en un instrumento de sustitución. En caso de no ser posible, pagarían el alquiler de éste para que se pueda celebrar el evento.

Gracias a la colaboración de AIE con Mercaseguros.com, los socios de la Sociedad de Artistas, además de las ventajas que ofrece este seguro, contarán con una ampliación de cobertura exclusiva.

Si quiere ampliar la información puede visitar este enlace , pinchando aquí o ponerse en contacto con Mercaseguros.com a través del teléfono 962 422 424 o escribiendo a raquel@mercaseguros.com.

Social activities

We provide personal support to all members in our facilities thanks to our Membership Department and to the team of professionals that shapes AIE, whose vocation is to offer a permanent service to affiliates.


One of the most worrying professional matters for AIE is the visible lack of social security suffered endemically by musicians and artists. Until now, such shortage has been alleviated individually by musicians themselves in a burdensome way and with a high risk for their post-working life. Therefore, AIE continues working hand in hand with professional associations and cooperatives to develop and establish a NORMALIZATION FRAMEWORK FOR ACTIVE AND PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS, as well as to create new cooperatives across the Spanish geography.


AIE has collaborated with several professional associations whose activities are focused on the improvement of the social conditions of musicians and performers in different regions, such as: ACAM (Composers and Authors Association of Costa Rica), AMA (Associated Music Authors), AMPE (Spanish Association of Professional Musicians), AMPOS (Spanish Association of Professional Symphony Orchestra Performers), ARTE (Association of Performing Technical Representatives), Associació Catalana de Compositors, Associació de Musics de Jazz i Música Moderna de Cataluña AMJM, Associació de Músics de Tarragona, FEMA (Associated Performers Federation), JAM (Board of Music Authors), MUSXXI (Músicos Unidos Siglo XXI), Associació Professional de Músics de Catalunya MUSICAT, Músicos Ao Vivo (Professional Performers Association of Galicia), UFI (Independent Phonographic Union), Association of Professional Performers of the Canary Islands, Círculo Musical Recreativo, Música en Vena, Casa del Artista Association of Valencia, Mundo Mayor Music Festival: Music against Alzheimer and Proyecto MIR – Música en Vena.

Social Resource Guides


AIE provides its members with a service for Guidance and Advice on Social Resources. As a part of this service and through a Social Resource Guide, we try to supply general knowledge of the network of public social services which can be useful for AIE members. You can consult and download this guide on our website.

In our Social Resource Guide you will find:

  • Social Resource Dictionary
  • Links to websites of entities devoted to social actions.
  • Helplines and telephone counselling about social services.
  • Relevant legislation in the social field.

All information provided in this guide is illustrative and shall be verified and confirmed individually with the corresponding entity or authority that provides the relevant resource.

Find here the complete AIE Social Resource Guide (PDF).



As a complement to this guide, you can also consult our AIE EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION GUIDE, which contains useful information regarding job search resources.

Find here the AIE Employment Orientation Guide (PDF).

All information provided in this guide is illustrative and shall be verified and confirmed individually with the corresponding entity or authority that provides the relevant resource.



To strengthen its commitment towards elder members, AIE offers to its affiliates a CATALOGUE OF GERONTOLOGICAL SERVICES with practical information about the functioning and management of gerontological resources and services. Being aware of the evolution of social services for the elderly, the guide includes a directory with the main relevant companies and useful information links.

Download the catalogue here.



AIE offers to its members an Orientation Guide for Grants, Scholarships and Subsidies for Musical Studies in the public and private education field.

Download the guide here.


AIE amplía su servicio de información y orientación a través de la nueva GuíAIE de Pensiones, poniendo a disposición de sus socios un resumen de las principales pensiones y prestaciones a las que pueden acceder a través de la Seguridad Social.

La información que se facilita en estas guías es orientativa y debe ser verificada y constatada de forma independiente con el organismo o entidad correspondiente de quien dependa el recurso de interés.

Puede descargarse la guía aquí

Assistance-Aid programs

Given the precariousness of social benefits and services for musicians, AIE dedicates a growing portion of its assistance resources to Assistance-Aid programs for applicants with urgent needs who are facing a precarious financial situation, mainly due to their advanced age or to serious medical conditions.

AIE provides a Social Care Service to inform applicants of the necessary procedures and formalities to apply for assistance, as well as to ensure personal guidance and orientation on further AIE assistance programs.

Read the instructions to apply for an assistance-aid program (PDF).


Since 2014, AIE members have access to an ‘assistance consultation inbox’ (in their Virtual Office area for requests) meant to provide a technical counselling service on internal and external social resources and to offer personal and individual attention for each situation while analyzing all available resources.

Elder care and assistance services

AIE is deeply committed to the needs of our elder members who, given their financial and health circumstances, constitute a particularly vulnerable sector. Therefore, through AIE Assistance and Cultural Fund, we provide our members with information and specialized services which might be useful:


ABGI (Iberian Geriatrics Charitable Association): Non-profit association which provides a FREE guidance and counselling service for the search of gerontological resources: retirement homes, day centres, home help service, legal advice and geriatric adaptation. This service, managed individually by social workers with a wide experience in the field, offers to AIE members several special discounts in a broad range of retirement homes authorized by the Community of Madrid and adjoining provinces.


Find more information here.

Phone: 91 522 42 23 /  91 523 47 86/ 628 16 30 56

E-mail: abgmadrid@msn.com




ESSIP is a FREE information, guidance and counselling service on assistance and social resources for the elderly managed by social workers and authorized by the Social Services Office. This service is certified with the ISO 9001 Norm of Quality and has over fifteen years of renowned experience in the field. AIE offers to its members two particular services:

  • Information and guidance with special prices: retirement homes, day and night centres, tele-assistance, home help, reverse mortgages, annuity incomes, technical aid, etc.
  • Specialized legal services: incapacitation and guardianship (free initial consultation), non-voluntary internment, inheritances, etc.

Find more information here.

Phone: 902 333 099 – 913 450 626

E-mail: essip@mundomayor.com

